Wednesday 28 September 2016

Waterford to Catskill, NY

Interesting light house in middle of river, not marked on charts
After spending two days in Waterford we elected to leave today and get a day trip to NYC. We were later getting away this morning than planned. Bill received an alert to say that Lock 1 was closed until further notice! Now what!! Bill went further up the wall to talk to the people that had just come through Lock 2 and found that someone had stolen a dump truck from the National Guard driven through the parking area, through the fence and into the river. Needless to say this caused quite a bit of excitement!!  The person that stole the truck lost his life.
The lock opened a bit later so by 10:30 we were on our way. We are now travelling along the Hudson River and no more locks!!! Yay!!! Bill got to wash the stbd side of the boat from the erie canal grundge.  Maybe port side tomorrow.

This is a serious lift bridge
Albany Skyline
It is a lovely wide body of water meandering along through the countryside. Unfortunately it was a dull and cloudy day so not as colourful as normal. We travelled past Albany and the Port of Albany which was quite busy and a major industrial area. Many tank farms with river unloading, plus a cement plant etc.  We even saw an ocean going freighter tied up.

saw a cruise ship from The American Line, Independence along the way.

Girder for the Tappanzee?
There was also a barge with a load of steel for a bridge further along, maybe The Tappanzee.

Tied up at Riverview Marina for the evening at Catskill, NY.  Tomorrow a 60 mile day unless there is a hold up for construction on the Tappanzee.


  1. Well finally! That's it for the locks. You can store the large fenders till you are tied up in a blow. Stay alert. Lots of debris in the water.

  2. Hey! Where is today's blog? I am going to have to be on you every day?
