Sunday 11 September 2016

Nassau Mills to Healey Falls

Today we travelled 50 miles and 6 locks.  
View approaching the Lock
The first lock we went through was the famous Peterborough Lift Lock. This operates on the same system as Kirkfield except a higher lift.  It is disturbing to drive into the lock and see nothing but countryside beyond. 

Sandy at the forward cleat

View as the Lock descends

Tub at the bottom

Tug showing off in Little Harbour

After a few more locks including a very tight passing with a Marlow just after the Lift Lock it was very routine.  Slow travel down the Ottonabee river until you get to Rice Lake.  Here you could do some speed but it is not exactly deep. 
As we got closer to our Destination; Healey Falls we saw a large 3 Buoys houseboat.  I bet Chuck remembers these. The guy has it moored head to to a dock by the shore and  built another dock next to it, where he has his pontoon boat.  He is obviously using it as a cottage.  A very nice set-up indeed.

3 Buoys "Cottage"
We are currently tied to the wall between locks 15 and 16 in  the turning basin.  Made the first set of flight locks, but the lockmaster could not reach his associate so we did not get locked through the last lock.  No problem only a 15-20 min delay tomorrow.  The other lockeeper came over later and apologized.  Apparently she was painting.  Tomorrow we hope to get close to Trenton, but with shorter hours and 16 locks, even though it is only 35 miles, we will probably not make it.

Until tomorrow

1 comment:

  1. Looked at your weather. High wind warnings are down so u should have an easier time of it running the river. Full day from Trenton to Kingston. Smooth sailing. We r stopped at Juneau . Inside from here to Van. No more rock and roll in gale force winds.
