Wednesday 7 September 2016

The adventure really begins

Well the journey begins.  We spent Tuesday am with the AV tech getting our Apple TV set up on the boat.  We can now stream anything on my Laptop to the TV.  'Good thing too as we were unable to get the Direct TV box I have access to to work.  More work to be done.  This took all morning and we left dock at around 12:00 for the gas dock to get pumped out and add fuel.  Unfortunately, being the day after Labour Day, only one attendant was on duty.  Eventually we left and made our way towards the first Lock (45)

Approaching Lock 45

Really cute boat we spent the night with at Severn

One of the amazing boathouses we saw on this portion of the trip

Wednesday morning we proceed to Big Chute.  This is the marine railway.  The carriage goes into the water and you drive the boat on to it.  They then hold the boat in place using large straps just like the travel lift at the marina.  The carriage then moves up the slope, over the crest and deposits you on the other higher water
View of the Marine Railway
View from marine railway on the way up

We ended the day by staying at Bridgeport Marina in Orillia.  This is a sister marina to our home marina of Bayport so the price is right.

Tomorrow there is a wind warning but it should not bother us.

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