Monday 19 September 2016

Trenton to Kingston

We are back again.  Since our last post we have moved to Confederation basin in Kingston. Jennifer drove from Toronto on Wednesday night and spent the night on the boat.  Thursday am we drove Jennifer to the train to travel back to Toronto and Sandy and I drove to Montreal.  Friday, Ian Peck helped me to close our pool and then the highlight,  we went to Ray and Denise Bartschat's for her world famous (it really is) bouillabaisse.  We were joined by Fred and Liz and Betty Thompson.  A great evening,

Fixed crane that lifted us out
With all of our errands done (we hope) we travelled back to Seas the Day on Sunday, chaufered by Fred Z.  We had a great dinner at Woodenheads pizza and followed up with an Ice cream from White Mountain.

On to the bad news.  In the last post you saw a picture of us leaving the lock with the Kawartha Voyageur waiting to get in.  It seems that I gave this boat too wide a berth and the draft of the boat exceeded the depth of the water.  Yes, I hit bottom.  After leaving Trenton I tried to get up on plane and it was obvious that too much damage had occurred to the starboard propeller to get to Florida so…. Today we moved to Kingston Marine to be hauled out.  We caught the 10:00 bridge and were out of the water before noon.  However, this is not a full service marina so they had to call in an outside mechanic whose primary job is working for the local cruise lines.  He finally showed up at 4:00 and we proceeded to remove both props (port had minor  damage from the trip through the Trent) and we are now back in the water with a plan to leave tomorrow morning, stopping in Cape Vincent to clear customs and then on to Oswego and the Erie canal.
Damaged Prop

Our next date is to arrive in New York City for October 1 where Jennifer will fly in and join us for the trip south,  An exciting  trip for her and a valuable crew member for us.

Tomorrow, the Erie Canal!

Being Hoisted

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