Monday 12 September 2016

Healy Falls to Frankford

Today was one of those days when you seem to be working all day and not get much accomplished.  Last night, Gary and Linda, friends from the cottage came over for a drink and a tour.  It was fun seeing them and saying goodbye until next year. 
Seas the Day in the basin between the upper and lower locks

This morning, Uncle Bob and Tom, other friends from the cottage came over for a coffee and a tour. Later we waved to Bob as we passed his house in Campbellford.  He also came down to the lock just by his house, Ranney Falls to wish us Bon Voyage.

Today we made 25 miles and 9 locks.  Only 6 to go to reach Trenton where we will stop tomorrow for fuel, water and pumpout.  The locks are now on shortened hours, so they begin at 10 and stop at 4  (3:30 to begin lock)  This was made worse as we had to wait for a boat that had stayed at the top of Healy Falls to come down before we went into the 3rd lock.  Healy Falls is a 3 lock combination.  From there we just chugged along until we got to the top of Frankford where we are stopped for the night.
Original lock masters house at Percy Reach 

As we have been going through a lot of weeds, I thought it was prudent that I check the strainers.  A good choice, both were completely full.  Would not have wanted to get up on the plane.

That’s all for today.  Probably even less tomorrow.

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