Monday 1 May 2017

Deltaville to Carter creek to Onancock, Va

The morning after Deltaville, we moved about 10 miles up the Rappahonick  River to Carter Creek.  Here we found a nice anchorage in Yopps Cove.  A lovely little anchorage surrounded by beautiful houses. 

Jim, Debbie & Abby

We got the dinghy’s into the water and took a tour.  There is a small bay where the local sailing club was conducting a lot of junior races and it was fun to watch the 3 boats in the competition. Dinghying by the Tides Inn, a resort on the bay

Gentle Ben

we saw a large Hattaras “Gentle Ben” that was all decked out in bunting.  We suspect that it was being used for the wedding reception that was being held at the Tides.

There were 3 or 4 small creeks that we investigated, all with beautiful homes.  

One of the many beautiful homes

We also saw 2 or 3 “Duffy” electric boats that go drink cruising in the late afternoon.  

An eagle in the tree

One of the owners came by our boats, in his “Duffy” to welcome us and said that there were 30 or 40 more in the area.

After a very nice dinghy ride it was back to the boat for dinner and an early night again.  It is tiring on a boat!!

Which one is the 56 and which one is the 54?

Directly beside where we were anchored, was a house with 3 boats.  All  had been painted in the same colour scheme, a very bright red.  One looked like a Hinkley, down east style, one a Chesapeake cat boat and the third a 34’ sailboat.  What a nice sight.

3 boats with same colour

The following day was a 38 mile cruise down the Rappahonick river to the eastern shore of the Chesapeake.  

We anchored just in front of the town dock in Onancock then took the dinghy to shore for a quick tour of the town.  Everything was closed being Sunday so back to the boat for dinner.

This morning we moved from the anchorage to the town dock and will explore the town this afternoon.

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