Saturday 27 May 2017

New York Day 2 May 24

Up and at`em early!  Again, took the express bus in but stayed on until Times Square.  We then boarded a topless double decker for an ”uptown tour”.  This tour does a large circle around Central Park including the upper west side.

It went by  Lincoln Center, 

Cathredal of St John the Devine, and lots of Museums.

Museum of Natural History

After the tour we searched for a NY Deli experience and found a hole in the wall with good food!

We then went on the "Downtown tour"  This took almost 3 hours  due to the lousy traffic of NY.  The guide kept saying NY'ers would be taking the subway!  We saw a lot of very unique buildings as the architecture is very varied.

h a

Times Square

Flat Iron building 

Interesting Apartment  Building

Near the  end of the tour, in the financial district we came across these sculptures.

This 7,100-pound (3,200 kg) sculpture stands 11 feet (3.4 m) tall and measures 16 feet (4.9 m) long.The oversize sculpture depicts a bull, the symbol of aggressive financial optimism and prosperity, leaning back on its haunches and with its head lowered as if ready to charge. The sculpture is both a popular tourist destination which draws thousands of people a day, as well as "one of the most iconic images of New York"

This sculpture was added later. At just over four feet tall, she appears ready to take the bull by its horns.

The bronze statue of a girl, fists on her hips, staring down the famous 7,000-pound “Charging Bull” sculpture near Wall Street, captivated passers-by and drew an overwhelming response online, where many viewed it as a powerful symbol for International Women’s Day.

We got off the bus early as it was getting late and we needed to get a bus ticket and find our transportation home. It was about 8:00 by the time we made it back to the boat so only a bowl of soup then off to bed to be ready for the next leg of our journey. A great couple of days in New York but so much more to see and do!! It will just have to wait for another visit!!

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