Thursday 11 May 2017

Solomons to Oxford.

The weather has finally gotten better.  Sunshine and no wind.  It was a great trip today on calm seas and almost warm weather.

LNG Terminal

During our trip up we passed a LNG terminal that they have been building.  A massive structure built out into the water with the large LNG tanks off inland.

You can jus see he "Boards" dragging behind

Along the way we passed through a fleet of about 50 boats fishing.  I can only assume that there was some sort of tournament going on as there were so many boats in a confined space.  It is particular here how they fish.  There are multiple rods used and they pass the lines though "boards" that they drag on either side of the boat.  This apparently spreads out the line to gain maximum coverage.  They are fishing for Rock Fish that can grow to 40 to 50 lb.

We arrived at Oxford, Md around noon and are docked on the pier of the Oxford Yacht Agency.  They used to be a Grand Banks dealer and the dockmaster has apparently sold 300 of them.  There are 6 of them in the slips next to us.  He has another yard nearby and does a lot of repair and remodelling.  While we were here, one of them left to go to the other yard.  They had spent the winter in Florida and were now laying the boat up to go back to Ottawa for the summer.

Oxford is a lovely little town.  There are many boatyards here as well as marinas.

Sailboat at Hinkley yard

There is a sailmaker/boat yard that allows you to go into an area where they are storing their half finished projects.  They certainly know how to get a good finish on the woodwork.

Large Mahogany vessel


  As we walked through town we were impressed with the level of landscaping, (everyone was mulching) and how pretty the houses were, many with lovely front porches.

A great visit to a lovely town.

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