Friday 5 May 2017

Tangier Island and Crisfield

We left Onancock (Oh Nan Cock) early and travelled to Tangier Island.  The wind was blowing around 15 but the direction meant we only had about 2' seas.

Entering Tangier Island

This Island is a fishing community and is in the middle of Chesapeake bay.  It is not that successful economically and the number of crab and oyster boats plying their trade is diminishing.  On top of that they are losing their island as it gradually sinks.  Impressive upon entering the harbour is to see where the fishermen dock their boats.  After unloading on the shore, they move to their docks which are on pilings and only reachable by boat.

Crabbing is done from very long, open cockpit boats which have their engine mounted under a housing in the middle of the cockpit.  Much of the time the boats are driven from the stern quarter so that one man can handle the boat and the pots at the same time.  Boy can they handle their boats.  When the current and wind is blowing they come into their slip at full throttle then hard into reverse.  Seems to work every time!

The marina we stayed at was Park

s marina run by an 80 something crusty resident.  The docks were in need of repair and he certainly liked to give advice on how to dock?!!?

A walk into town showed that there are a few dominant families judging from the graveyards.  These graveyards are similar to many areas with low lying ground in that they are mostly above ground as the ground water would float a traditional grave.

Of particular interest was the individual grave (s) at specific houses.

I guess if we wanted to move here their is already a business that we would qualify for!

The next morning it was off to Crisfield, MD, but before we left we took delivery of 100 oysters that had been done by aquaculture on the island.  Jim steamed them and we had them for lunch.  Delicious!!

We are now at Somers Cove Marina, a huge state owned facility with many, many docks.  Weather however is horrible,rainy and windy, and after receiving a shipment of oil from the NAPA store 25 miles away it will be an oil change on tap for this afternoon.

Time is getting shorter on this trip!  We will be back in Ontario at the beginning of June so that we can join a group of friends and drive to Maine for lobster.  I like it better than crab!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes full speed and then in reverse is the way to do things.

