Thursday 11 May 2017

Se Marys College to Solomons

 We left St Mary's and proceeded north toward Solomons Island.  The wind was still blowing and we faced 15 - 20 Kt and still 2-3 foot seas.  It was right on the nose so there was not much pitching and the ride was not that uncomfortable.

As we progressed we heard the navy call a few boats asking them to change course to avoid the area where they were doing target practice.  There is a Naval Air Station and also a Naval weapons research facility.  We saw quite a few fighter jets taking off and landing

Arriving at Calvert Marina we filled with fuel as they have an excellent price and proceeded to our space.  This was on long floating concrete docks.  As the boats were salt encrusted, we took the opportunity to give the boat a wash, which it certainly deserved. By the time we finished a few chores, there was no time to see the Museum that day so we elected to stay 2 nights.  The following day Drift Away wanted to replace the rode portion of their anchor and spent time watching U tube videos to learn how to weave a line into a chain.

Seas the Day decided to get the anchor out and re-mark the chain, also taking the opportunity to clean the chain locker.  By noon we were finished and we went off to the Maritime Museum just across the bay in our dinghy.

Drum Point light

It was a very worthwhile visit.  They have done an excellent job,  starting with the former drum Point lighthouse. They took the opportunity when they were building a large bridge here to take a barge, cut the lighthouse off, and transport it to the museum.  

Screws to secure lighthouse

It is one of only 3 left, of the screw jack method of securing the lighthouse to the sea floor.  The lighthouse marked the entrance to Solomons Island and as such was almost on shore.

They have a workshop here staffed by volunteers to re-store boats and they also take on some boat construction contracts.  All of the museum is set up to provide an educational experience for children. In this area they have the children make an "origami" boat which is constructed of plastic coated corrugated poster board.  They make it from one sheet which is folded to make a boat shape and then held together with tie-wraps.  The kids then get to launch it and ride in it.


You can take a cruise on the Wm B Tennyson a skipjack boat famous in the Chesapeake.

Fresnel Lens

Touring the lighthouse we saw the Fresnel Lens that concentrates the light as well as the hand wound fog bell that sounded during a fog.

In the outdoor exhibit, they displayed some of the many types of boats that you would have seen working on the Chesapeake.

Boat modified with gas motor to harvest clams

Oyster Rake

Solomons Island itself is home to many marinas and there is every shape, and size of boat there to serve the large population of boaters.  Washington is only a one hour drive away, so an easy commute.

1 comment:

  1. When you figured it out how many feet of chain did you have?

