Thursday 18 May 2017

Annapolis Day 3

Another glorious day! So nice to have warmer temperatures and sunshine.

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Today was a history lesson! We started by going to the Maryland State Capital building, whose main claim to fame was the resignation of George Washington as Commander in Chief of the military. 

This affectively turned the control of the government into the hands of civilians. A lot of time has been spent in restoring the chamber rooms back to the original decor and furnishings. 

Senate Chamber

This building is still the seat of government today. 

Our next stop was the William Paca house. He was one of the signatories of The Declaration of Independence.This house was built in the mid 1700 hundreds and has been restored to that time. Our guide was a former history teacher with a good sense of humour and was able to share some anecdotes.The house had been a hotel at one time so a lot of changes had been made.

Paca House Gardens with Summer House

The gardens had been completely taken over by garages and parking lots so there was only guesswork and some paintings to reconstruct them. We had a brief stroll through the gardens and then decided we had been historied out so proceeded to downtown for lunch!

We finished lunch with a quick stop at the ice cream store next door. Then back to the boat!! 

Spa Creek

After dropping Jim and Debbie off we took a little tour up Spa Creek. There are an amazing number of moorings in Annapolis, 80-100 at least. Some very nice homes along the way too. We passed by the burnt shell of the Annapolis Yacht Club. It had caught fire in December 2015 due to an electrical malfunction which ignited an artificial Christmas tree.    

Do not know what kind of boat but very large main and oversize rudder

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