Saturday 29 April 2017

Bryant Bay, Severn River

What interesting scenery as you approach Norfolk. 

The area is completely full of docks for the unloading of gravel, oil etc and many, many boatyards servicing the Naval ships.  Some are in huge floating dry docks and some are just tied alongside.

There was a security presence along this stretch but not intrusive.

Bucket Dredge

We saw one dredge that was using a crane and bucket instead of suction.  I guess because it is near a bridge and they need to put the material into a barge to cart it away.

Nauticus and the Wisconsin

We passed by Nauticus where we had gone on Tuesday and got a few shots of the battleship Wisconsin from the water.  As you progress further along the river you come to the Naval yard and I think that I counted 4 aircraft carriers as well as many other missile boats, frigates etc.  All in all a lot to see.

We proceeded up the Chesepeake bay and found our spot for the night.  Bryant Bay.  It took a couple of attempts to get a good hold.  It was a very gooey, stinky bottom with lots of crab traps around.

That evening we were served a gourmet dinner aboard Drift Away.  Jimmy certainly sets a high bar for reciprocating.

The next morning we moved on to Deltaville, VA and spent the night at Dozier's Regatta Bay marina.  This was the home of the waterway guide.  They have sold the publication now but it is still centered in Deltaville.  This must be the capital of sailing in the Chesapeake.  There are 8 to 10 marina's full of sailboats.  It speaks for the good sailing here.


  1. What that an aircraft carrier?


  2. Oops! I just saw that you said it was aircraft carriers!

