Tuesday 4 April 2017

Stuart to Melbourne, FL

Well, we have now officially begun our trip home with the first leg leaving Sunset Bay Marina and arriving at Melbourne Harbor Marina.  It has been very warm the last few days and today it was very sticky.  As we approached Melbourne we could see some clouds in the distance and then some lightning, so we hurried in to get tied up.  We are on the fuel dock as it is not a large place and we will be leaving at  “Chuck” time tomorrow. 
Rain Sqall
Just after we tied up and I checked in, the sky opened up with a violent rainstorm but it feels cooler now.

The trip was as normal, staying in a narrow channel between the mainland and the  barrier islands.  Never more than 12 feet in depth in the channel and often 3 – 4 feet outside.

One sight to mention was the catamaran sailboat Moonraker. The admiral was driving and the captain was stretched out in a hammock that he had strung in the cockpit!  That is the way to travel!

On this leg you pass through an area with some magnificent homes just north of Vero Beach.  Each one has tried to outdo the other in terms of size, landscaping and statues by the pools.  Nice to see how the 1% lives.
This house takes up the whole point

1 comment:

  1. Nice! Can't wait to see you in June! It's is not only rainy down there! It is rainy up here.

