Friday 14 April 2017

Brunswick to Beaufort to Myrtle Beach

We did get up early and made the jump outside from Brunswick.  The water was calm and there were no complaints from the Admiral.  Not much to report as there is nothing to see 3 mile offshore.  We did get a chance to “feed the fishes”.

We were unable to get a slip at either the marina we stayed at on the way down or our first alternate so we ended up at the Downtown Beaufort marina.  This would be a great place to stay if you did not have hosts to ferry you around like we do.  We were greeted again by Patsy and Stu Taylor ,who had just returned from 6 weeks skiing in Colorado.  Nice of them to get back just in time to host us! 
Crocodiles outside the house
Other friends from Hudson, Doug and Marilyn Seagrim and Betty Thompson were due into town on the Wednesday evening so we took the opportunity to stop for 4 nights and see them.  As the closest marina to Patsy and Stu has a special, 3 nights for the price of two, we moved the boat on Monday and then off for errands.  We went to Johnson Creek for lunch and the Admiral started on laundry.  The week was a whirlwind with golf cart rides on the course to a Sam’s run and Wal-Mart/Publix grocery shopping.
Patsy,Betty, Sandy, Stu, Marilyn, Doug

Wednesday around 5 the guests arrived and a merry time was had by all.  Stuart cooks the best hamburgers!!

Early the next morning we were off to Seas the Day and the next leg of our journey continued.  We stayed in the ICW headed for Charleston.  The only problem areas on this stretch were about 15 miles away and our departure time allowed us to go through them at high tide.  We arrived at Charleston around 4:00 and stayed at a Marina on the ICW just past the Charleston Entrance.  Quite a nerve-racking trip up the small river where it is located.  Mud on the port and boats on the starboard.  I figured that if they can make it so can I.  Tied up for the night and off the dock at 7:00 for the jump outside headed for Myrtle Beach.  The sea gods were not as kind today.  Waves of around 3 to 4 feet made it a lumpy crossing. 

Air boat on River
We had decided on a backup plan of going in at Georgetown and continuing on the ICW.  At least this route bypasses the worst stretch around McLennanville.  It was slower but the Admiral was much happier.

Interesting stretch as you approach Myrtle Beach with some lovely homes.  Some people have done a magnificent job of landscaping the area from the home to the ICW while others have not.

We also passed under the cable car that I took with Doug and Marilyn when we stayed with them at a time-share two years ago.  It takes you from the parking lot across the ICW to the course.  Fond memories

Did they have a sale on paint?

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Looks like you guys are having fun!

