Tuesday 25 October 2016

Savanna - Brunswick, GA

The Captain chose this particular marina not only for access to Savannah but also for the motivation that it provides to get the crew ready for our normal early morning departure.

Mmmm Donuts!

This area of the intracoastal continues to be void of much scenery except endless areas of marshy sea grass. 
Sea grass as far as the eye can see

The marina we stayed at is known as a Hurricane Hole.  The boat next to us spends 8 months in the Bahamas on their friend's dock, but moves here for the storm season.  Over all they had very little damage except on the gas dock that was more exposed.  But this damage was from Hermione, not Matthew.

Mine Mine Mine (Finding Nemo)
It is amazing watching the seagulls.  As soon as one catches a fish, all the others dive-bomb the owner to steal it!  The Crew had to duck a few times as they almost ended in the flybridge.

It was again a long day on the water.  The goal at the end was to get the cheapest fuel in this area as recommended by Jim Pyke.  Unfortunately, it is closed on the weekends.  We ended up fueling and pumping out at the marina where we stayed.  Had to pay an additional 4% as we did not have any cheques.  Will have that problem solved next week


  1. A long but interesting journey , Better there then here . Frost warning and snow in the Township's and up north .Thanks for the blog.

  2. Mmm I love Krispy Cream donuts!
