Sunday 2 October 2016

NYC - Cape May

The Statute of Liberty -  of course

Tappan Zee new bridge construction
Saturday we left Half Moon bay after having to call the Dockmaster so that we could pay.  The trip under the Tappan Zee Bridge that I thought was going to be a problem because of construction was a non event.
Washington Bridge

It is something to approach NYC from the water.  You pass under the Washington Bridge and see the skyline in the distance.  We went by the cruise terminal and the Intrepid Air & Sea museum.  We wondered why a Concorde was parked by the water! Arriving at Liberty Landing marina we waited for Jennifer who flew into Newark airport and then took a taxi to meet us.

Cruise terminal/museum
Battery Park
Sunday, we departed Liberty Landing and proceeded out to the ocean.  As a beginner it is quite intimidating looking at the chart plotter and trying to interpret all of the marks and where they lead. It was not that busy and we only had to keep clear of a tug and a fast ferry. Eventually we found the correct channel to reach Sandy Hook, NJ and get out onto the ocean.

The Admiral
The day started cool and very overcast.  The seas were 1.4 meters but they were from the port quarter so really no problem (for me). We kept about 1 ½ miles offshore and had no issues. The admiral curled up on the back bench and proceeded to nap the whole way, but she was happy.  Jennifer sat next to me and provided a great lookout for fish(?) traps.  Nice to have young eyes!

We did speak to Allan Grey along the way on the VHF.  He finally got away this am after spending 4 days on the hook at Sandy Hook waiting for the wind to die.  We learned at the marina where we are spending the night that a hurricane is coming this way.  When I asked the dockhand where to hole up he said the upper Chesapeake, it will not go inland that far

Not many pictures as Ray would say 'no use with the light'.  Did see the bottom half of Atlantic City, the top was in clouds.  We arrived in Cape May around 3:30 and are now tied up at Utsch’s marina.  I guess I now have to go out and wash down the boat.

We did have a special guest join us for this leg of the trip.  He came aboard to provide his intimate knowledge of the route and to provide another set of keen eyes to see the floating traps.  He has now left.  I do not know how I will handle the rest of the trip without his expertise.

Our expert and alert helper


  1. OK! The gloves are coming off. I will stop reading your blog if you continue with this character assassination.

  2. Hey Bill I love reading your blog and I love the photo of MFP. Say hi to Sandy and Jennifer for me.

  3. We have been following your blog and will continue to follow it. Stay safe with the unsettled weather.

  4. Where is the blog? What time is it published everyday? Matthew is headed your way. Better hide deep in Chesapeake Bay and wait for the winds and seas to settle down. You are pretty much on the inside the rest of the way south. Stay in touch.
    Did you receive the Mise En Demeures yet? Watch for the Sheriff!

  5. I agree with MFP where is the blog?
    MFP is right Matthew is on your way better get tucked up Chesapeake bay pretty soon. How far are you from Chesapeake bay? MFP if you know the answer to my question please answer.

    1. Carter, we will be in the Chesapeake today, and then Annapolis tomorrow. After that we will look where Matthew is and re-evaluate our next stop.

  6. Ok so you might hole up some where else?
