Friday 7 October 2016


While the marina on the Bohemia River was very nice, there was not much to do after we spent the day cleaning the boat.  We had planned on renting a car and driving to Baltimore but then thought why not take the boat.  We are still a long way from Matthew and would be safe there.

So, on we went.  Just a quick note right now as we are on our way into town to investigate bu I thought that I would show you a picture of my neighbour.  There are two of the massive roll-on-roll-off ships here.  Apparently they are private owned but leased to the US Military.  They have to be ready to be deployed in 48 hours but the guy here said they had only been out once in the 5 years he has been here.
It would certainly be a fun ride exiting the ship in the lifeboat, would't it!


  1. I would hold up there. It's the surge you have to worry about. No point in heading closer or worse right into the storm. Did you get my note transferred about Jim. He dragged a 60 lbs Bruce and was now relying on a tree to hold him in place. Not fun for sure.

  2. Hey! So what's happening? Where is the blog? Let's see what Mathew is like in your area.
