Thursday 1 June 2017

Winter Harbor to Collins Bay, Wednesday May 31

Another early morning!! This time on the fuel dock at 7:00!!!!  Winter Harbor has a credit card operated fuel pump so that you do not have to wait for the marina to open in the morning. The owner did come to chat with us. He is very personable and knew that we had stopped with them in September. The marina offers loaner cars for provisioning or going for dinner which is a nice plus, they also have very good fuel prices. A good place to stay.
Wonder of wonders no rain!!! 
We passed through lock 23 and then made the turn into the Oswego Canal. You could certainly see the amount of rain that they had received as there was a very significant flow over the dams and down the river. 

Of course we had a nasty little shower once again but at least this time we were not in a lock!! One of the lowest clearances that we came to was after leaving lock 8 because Lake Ontario is almost 5 feet higher than normal. 

Upstream of Lock

The lock master advised us to go slowly and not have any bounce!! We were careful and were ok.
The owner at Winter Harbor had said the he still had boats waiting to go north as the docks or marinas that they were going to were still under water. 

Oswego Entrance

Once we left the Oswego and entered into Lake Ontario we checked the weather and decided to continue on as seas were calm and winds light. 
Our destination was The Bartschat's old marina, Collins Bay! about 45 miles away. An easy trip across and we made it just after five o'clock.  A long day on the water.
As we approached Collins Bay, the captain called the marina and said that there were marks noted on the chart but he couldn't see them!! They answered that they had not put them in as yet because the water level was too high and therefore the chains to secure them were not long enough!! We were going to go on a T dock but would have had to wear rubber boots to go ashore!! So we ended up at a slip and only hung over about 15 feet!! Lots of help to secure the lines and all was well.
The captain went ashore to check in with Canada Customs which fortunately was a non event. Once back aboard we treated ourselves to a drink and could relax!! Both really tired so a quick supper, a bit of tv and into bed!! One more day!!!


  1. You are finally back in Canada. Not that long and Seas the Day will be back in Bay Port in its new slip!


  2. Aug 1st and you are still in Collins Bay??? really, Wani Bay is on GBay not Lake Ontario. Drift Away is already well up the Trent and will pass you while you are still asleep. Let's at least get to Trenton!!!
