Thursday 1 June 2017

Little Falls to Winter Harbour. Tuesday May 39

Another early start!! This time there were 4 of us to go through the lock. Because of the Sunseeker's width there wasn't room for us to go beside him so it became a bit of a challenge to fit everyone into the lock. After 2 locks the Sunseeker took off and we thought that we wouldn't see him again. We were wrong!! This section of the canal because it has been dug has a 10 mph speed limit. Therefore when we approached the next lock who do we see but the Sunseeker!! After going into the lock the lock master mentioned  to us that the captain had not been very happy at having to wait. The lock master explained that it should have taken him an hour and twenty minutes to reach the lock not the twenty minutes that he took!!! So he could just wait for us !!!  After that lock the Sunseeker kept his speed down, although at one point he called back to us and said that he was having a hard time going that slowly as his engines were overheating and that we would have to pass him!! Then he decided to just speed up and slow down until he got to the next lock. A couple more locks and then he got ahead of us and was gone. We have encountered quite a few delivery captains on this trip, some who are very professional and a credit to their job and others not so much.

We had to wait for this barge to come up at the lock

Just to keep the record straight it was raining again!!  We crossed Lake Oneida and as we approached Winter Harbor the captain was concerned about the height of the bridges. One of the lock masters had said that over the last couple of days we had received nearly 2 inches of rain, fortunately the New York Canal System does a very good job controlling the water levels, so although we did duck a couple of times we had no issue. The captain was hoping to refuel before we got to our slip but lo and behold the Sunseeker was on the fuel dock!!  So we elected to just tie up and relax.. Good thing as another squall with thunder and lightning came through just after we were settled. 

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