Thursday 1 June 2017

Catskills to Waterford Saturday May 27

We left early in the morning, overcast and cool but at least no rain! This is still a pretty area with lots of mountains and greenery to enjoy. In the last two days we passed some interesting lighthouses that had been built in the mid 1800's. 

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This lighthouse, built on a shoal at the junction of two routes, the main shipping channel and a recreational channel, was the  scene of a fiery wreck in 1845 that killed 50 of 300 passengers on the steamboat, Swallow. 

As we got closer to Lock 1 at Troy N.Y, we passed by a more industrial area including Albany. We were all prepared with garbage bags on our fenders to try to keep them clean as the lock walls are pretty grimy. It had been a while since we passed through a lock but all went well and we arrived at Waterford at about 1:00. Time to catch up on some laundry and maybe a nap!!

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