Thursday 1 June 2017

Waterford to Amsterdam, Sunday May 28

6:15 wake up call!!! We wanted to be part of the first locking of the day, 7:00, so it was up early to prepare. There were 3 of us in Lock 2, two trawlers and ourselves. This is a series of 4 locks in a short distance. Oh joy!! The rain started again!! The Admiral was soaked and cold!!  Not a happy camper. 

Runoff over the dam

We all proceeded through the locks with no issues, just wet. 

There was a huge amount of debris floating along the waterway, some pretty big logs so it was just like looking for crab pots on the Chesapeake only this time logs!! Not something that you want to hit!! 

We arrived at Amsterdam early afternoon. A nice spot but there is an active train line very close by. Freight and passenger trains pass by frequently, blowing their horns, but somehow after a while you don't hear them!!??!! We decided to have dinner at the waterfront cafe by the dock. A nice change with good food reasonably priced.
At least the rain had stopped so we could walk to dinner and not get soaked, still sweater weather though. A bit of tv then off to bed.

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