Thursday 23 March 2017

Pete's Pub to Treasure Cay

After we left Little Harbor we moved around ½ mile to the north to anchor off of Lynard Cay.  Entrance to Little Harbor can be navigated only at high tide so we had a fixed time to leave.

Lynard Cay to Treasure Cay
Anchorage was very simple, 15’ deep with sandy bottom off of a sand beach.  After a brief visit to the beach where we found a nice Conch shell, dinner was onboard.  A 9:00 departure the next day saw us arrive in Treasure Cay at 12:30. 
Entrance to Treasure Cay

After lunch, Jeffie and I did a walk along the beach.  It is amazing to see the beautiful clear aquamarine water.  The sand is very fine, white and not hot but it is soft and not easy to walk on.
Coral on Beach

Beach at Treasure Cay

Can you believe the colour of the water?
Dinner was at the Treasure Sand resort.  It is at the end of the beach so about 3 miles away, therefore a taxi ride was necessary. Our taxi was an old GM van working on it's third transmission, driven by Uncca Lou!! A very picturesque setting, looking out over the beach in a covered, but outside venue.
Dinner at Treasure Sands Resort

View from Restaurant

Today the wind is howling.  25 kn gusting to 30.  Lots of boats came into the harbour today to escape the breeze.  We have delayed our departure one more day as the wind is supposed to continue to blow tomorrow and the trip through Whale Cay would be bumpy to say the least.

We took the opportunity to measure the depth  below Chuck’s props as he was not confident that the offset was correct.  I cheated and put on my light weight wet suit and took a tip from the divers and poured hot water into the suit, that worked much better. Used Chuck’s pony tank hung around my neck, only problem was getting down as I was buoyant and had no weight belt!!

Out for Pizza tonight.  Talk later

1 comment:

  1. Great pic of everyone! Water is so pretty. Keep up the great blogs!

