Sunday 12 March 2017

Green Turtle to Treasure Cay

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Following C'est La Vie acrosss Sea of Abaco
Well, Green Turtle Cay is lovely.  Friday, we rented a golf cart and took a tour of this very small island.  A trip to the Bluff House for a drink at the Tranquil Turtle, then all the way into the main town.  Chuck was driving of course and the Admiral and I were hanging on in the back.  As we drove along there was a magnificent view of the Ocean.  The colours, aquamarine and blue are simply spectacular.  It certainly makes it worth the trip here.

A very nice Ocean Alexander 112 arrived at the end of our dock.  I want to be the Captain!  He was leaning over the rail on the second deck with his Yacht Controller in hand as the 6 crewpersons rush around getting the fenders and lines ready.  Then a simple push of the button and the bow and stern thrusters leap into action to bring the yacht to the dock.

We followed this boat out yesterday as he had to leave on high tide.  He draws 6 ½ feet.  This was a lot less scary than when we arrived at low tide and I was seeing 0’s on the depth sounder.  This marina had some of the best dockhands ever.  As we were casting off, the Admiral was having some difficulty in getting the lines off the post.  He jumped on the boat and had it taken care off quickly and we were on our way.  A very nice 12 miles run to Treasure Cay.  The wind was blowing around 12 – 15 and we were a little concerned as we had to take a short jump out to the ocean but it was not bad at all.

Seas the Day at Treasure Cay
Treasure Cay is a resort with a lot of 2 story condos/timeshares  around it.  We are going to go for a walk on the beach this pm then a drink at the beach bar.  Dinner will be on C’est La Vie tonight then Seas the Day tomorrow night

Treasure Cay


Weather is lovely, around 80F with a 10 kn breeze, very comfortable.
We will be here for 3 nights then a jump to Seaspray for the next two nights.
That’s all for now.

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