Wednesday 2 November 2016

Titusville to Vero Beach

Sunday, October 30

As we left the marina for our last day on the water for this leg of our journey, the dockmaster on the other dock admired the Captain standing on the sun deck with his remote control.  He commented that it sure makes it easier, and it does.
Kite Surfing

Our destination today was Vero Beach which apparently is know as Velcro beach as people do not want to leave after arriving.  Most of the day was spent on the Indian river which is quite wide, between the mainland and the barrier islands. The water however is still shallow and you have to stay on the charted channel which means no let up on navigation.
Having Fun
There was a good wind blowing today, 15 knots and, as it was a Sunday, we were treated to a whole bunch of catamaran sailors.  Obviously there was a race on.  I hope that there was more than one class because there was a significant space between the lead boats and the end boats.  It sure looked like they were having fun.  Well hiked out and an occasional flying hull.

Along waterway
 Along one stretch there were a lot of large homes.  Must  be a nice place to live. 
One of the many large homes

We spent the night at Loggerhead Marina in Vero Beach.  This is a man made basin and is surrounded by condominiums and a golf course.  It is still fun however to back into slips that are guarded by large posts and less than one foot clearance on each side.

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