Wednesday 2 November 2016

Titusville - Stuart

Monday, October 31

Happy Halloween!  This is the last day of this stage of our journey.  We thought that it was only a 30 mile run today so left a little later but did not realize that you had to go 5 miles beyond the marina to get to the St. Lucie river entrance and then another 5 miles back to the marina.

There was more traffic today, including a beautiful Sea Ray 65 that may have been on the way to the Ft. Lauderdale boat show taking place this weekend.  Most of the boaters were very polite and asked permission to give you a slow pass.  Then there were a few others that did not give a damn.  Funny how most of those are Sports Fisherman models!
Bridge with pedestrian lookouts
Nice size boat to have moored at your house
One Grand Banks trawler sat behind us for a while then passed us.  He only had about ¼ knot more speed but everyone has their favourite speed.  I am glad we were polite to him as he ended up at the same marina and we saw him checking in.

We have arrived at Sunset Bay Marina in downtown Stuart, Fl. 
The great news is that although we only had a reservation for 2 weeks, in spite of numerous attempts to extend it, we are now booked in for one month as we had hoped.  Love it when a plan comes together!

This now marks the end of this blog for a while.  We will keep you up-to-date when we move the boat to Sarasota in December.

Until then, thank you for all your comments (yes, even MFP & Carter) and words of encouragement.  While it was sometimes a pain in the a** to write it some days when we were tired, it will form a great memory of this trip.

I can’t believe that I did this instead of spending the winter in Rigaud and days at the Curling Club!


  1. Dreams do come true and man needs to have a dream. If not, what does he look forward to? Dream on Captain. You are going to love the Bahamas in March 2017!

  2. Sounds like you are going to have a great month! Have lots of fun & can't wait to start reading the blog again in December!


  3. We stopped in last night to make sure Bill, Sandy and crew were maintaining Seas the Day to Mr. MFPs exacting standards. We are pleased to report that all is good and a very enjoyable evening and breakfast was had. Seems like a very nice marina and the crew is all happy. Thanks again

  4. I am bored. When is the next blog? We all want to know how the repairs are going and what is happening on your shore leave. Is the crew slacking off? Cut the rum rations.

  5. what make of AP do u have aboard? Simrad?

  6. Now that u have TV u r ignoring me. I will put u in the dark!

  7. Great blog Sandy! And WOW... what a trip!
    Happy that you are safe and sound, will tune back in December :-) Enjoy xx

  8. I am bored not reading the blog can you start again and say what you do in the days.

  9. What day does the blog start again. I can't wait.
